
Huntington Beach Post 133


Huntington Beach Hometown Heroes

How to Order a Banner?  Please complete an application form: https://www.huntingtonbeachca.gov/files/users/admin_pio/HometownHeroesRenewalForm.pdf

Include the service person's name and branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard) as well as a check payable to the American Legion Post 133 with "Hometown Heroes" in the memo line in the amount of $160.

To process the application, please include proof of Huntington Beach residency for service person or immediate family mem­ber (e.g., copy of utility bill or driver's li­cense) and verification of active duty dates (e.g., copy of military orders or mili­tary ID).

The light poles on Main Street from Beach Blvd. to 6th street, as well as, Yorktown Ave. will be designated for the purposes of displaying the Hometown Heroes banners. Available space is determined on a first-come, first-served basis.  All banner locations shall be determined solely by the City.  A banner spon­sor cannot select a specific location.

Cost: The City has identified H B Digital to print the Hometown Heroes banners.  Addi­tionally, the hardware, installation and re­moval are included in the total cost.  Custom Banner Total Cost is $160.

For additional information, please contact the City at (714) 536-5579.
